We Are GreenWay Primiero
At Hotel Letizia, sustainability is important
Living with low environmental impact is possible and, above all, achievable. At Hotel Letizia we know this well, as demonstrated by the splendid territory where we live, which we protect through a range of concrete actions and targeted choices that fully respect our unique environment, as attested by the recognition of the Pale di San Martino, part of the Dolomites, as Unesco World Heritage site.
At Hotel Letizia, together with the municipalities of San Martino di Castrozza, Passo Rolle, Primiero and Vanoi, we have decided to commit ourselves to making sure that the territory is at the forefront of environmental excellence by adopting specific solutions and a unique life style: GreenWay Primiero.
Energy, the reduction of fossil fuels, mobility and care for the landscape, are the areas in which, with the GreenWay Primiero approach, we are committed to implementing innovative projects aimed at improving the quality of life of the inhabitants and our way of doing tourism.
We enjoy creating unforgettable and sustainable experiences and we treat nature with respect: we are aware of how important it is to us and how fundamental is our commitment to its preservation. This is why, at Hotel Letizia, we implement sustainable practices to preserve the environment we love.
Supply chain and regional products
Our quest for best quality goes hand in hand with the consolidation of regional supply chains in our restaurant in the Dolomites and the care for the environment and biodiversity. Regionality is the principle at the basis of our entire assortment.
Biomass energy
We use district heating, which contributes to enhancing wood as energy resource, with significant environmental benefits because, unlike fossil fuels, burning wood close to the place of production returns to the atmosphere the same amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by the tree during its lifetime, without altering the ecological balance.
We have set ourselves the goal of reducing electricity consumption while increasing our energy self-sufficiency. We have installed 100 square metres of solar panels on the roof of Hotel Letizia to ensure sustainable use of energy.
To reach our hotel and for other local travel, we invite our employees and guests to avoid the car. This invitation is supported by concrete alternatives:
- with the Trentino Guest Card, you can use all the buses and public transport of the Trentino region network for free
- 16 public electric car charging stations are available in Primiero San Martino di Castrozza, interconnected with all of Europe
- parking for electric cars is free and thanks to "Le Dolomiti ti riCARicano" (The Dolomites recharge you), you can conveniently recharge your car at participating hotels and restaurants.
- We advise our guests to leave their cars behind and rent an e-bike. Traveling on two wheels is the best way to discover the beauty of the area. There are free charging points along our bike paths, so that you can fill your tank with 100% green energy.
- Choosing green in Primiero is convenient! Kilowatts are zero kilometre, because they are produced by our 13 hydroelectric power plants. When you use energy for cycling, for the ski lifts, to charge your car or your cell phone, you are only using the power of water!
At Hotel Letizia, we also strive to find the best solutions to reduce upstream CO2 emissions originating from the supply chain.
To reduce food waste and the volume of general waste, at Hotel Letizia we adhere to three sustainable waste management basic principles: limit, use, recycle. Our goal is to reduce waste at its source. Inspired by the principles of the circular economy, we are constantly increasing the share of "waste" that can be recycled or recovered.
Since 2022, San Martino di Castrozza has been part of the international Alpine Pearls network, which brings together the 19 most beautiful resorts in four Alpine countries (Italy, Germany, Austria and Slovenia), with the aim of promoting environmentally friendly and sustainable tourism. Each Alpine Pearls resort is committed to protecting the environment by using resources wisely, preserving local identity and cultural heritage, and offering a conscious holiday experience in harmony with nature, using soft and eco-friendly mobility solutions.
Inclusion in the "Alpine Pearls" circuit is a further recognition, in addition to those already received in the past, of the area's virtuous commitment to environmental sustainability, in perfect harmony with the strategic direction shared at local level.
At Hotel Letizia, we feel as strong as our roots and as light as feathers. Love for our guests and respect for nature and our territory are our core values. Our commitment therefore runs along two parallel lines. On the one hand, we want to offer our guests an environment that can be considered a second home. A home that is welcoming and warm. A home where tranquillity reigns and where it is possible to regenerate. Offering a unique and discreet service, always available when our guests call for it. On the other hand, we also love the powerful nature that surrounds us and do our best to preserve it.